Friday, March 25, 2011

Towmorrow Is My Due Date

The Beach

Offended. Their laughter produced that strange resonance I can not avoid. Move your chin in rhythm, giving his chest rhythmic movements and those who watch it become infected, yet understanding their jokes, but as she is and yawning, a wave of laughter back to me replicate in me a jumble of sounds that I brought into the vapor given off, shared are the same, I configured the bells and cymbals content needed to rhythmic burst.

tainted. Its imprecision, made me a faster memories, one of many of those who survive the evening, competing fierce between its own position ridiculous and its proclivity to be clowns collectively, who fall first, this or that to which the words were tangled, who fall trying to sit in a
chair, stumble, you get into your car irresponsibly accelerating the risk against its life and any unfortunate coming to cross into the path, formless and sortaria.

was there before, the protagonist of her desire. I met my equal to the air with their fingers at me. I did not need more than the mark of his lips, iridescent, beautiful but not symmetrical, but his in me. Both happy.

Richard takes his right hand to his forehead and says with enough volume to overcome music, converse, and sleep of neighbors

- Panas, we ran out of red wine!
- Then take vodka! - Gabriela screams from the other corner of the room , bandit whose only color the proposal lies in the label.

all laugh, as they accuse each other of drinking more of contributions that were not and therefore is not reached. over a dozen dark green bottles enter contest to see which was the country chosen by most people. Chileans win outright, know, I know his line, I also know of its effects when not respects your age and you jump from a large reservoir to foster as if it were mineral water . Therefore they are well. Rude, uneducated gang playing with tannins when only drink beer regularly.

She restrained herself, balked. Carlos decided to make a repository of leftover others, a mixture of saliva and breath of those who accepted the trades to the colorless liquor, including absentees: everybody to it. Gabriela intervened again with a cry, because even drunk has criteria:

- Leave it there, if you want to drink water, but never leftovers.

lit two cigarettes, approached him and began the first disgrace. much disgust the first time that his ashes be joyful bathed in red still retained and reduced to nothing, offended, tainted,
ashpits converted into a glass.

(Photo @ Jogreg , texts @ Naky )


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