Thursday, March 24, 2011

Invitation Wordings In Tamil

had not slept. The sound of the waves kept waiting to see what would happen inevitably the next day. He loved the sea, playing with impeccable sand slips through your fingers while looking for shells and see the clams and stick his tongue chipichipis yellow and slippery. He loved the sound of the waves, but not the one heard from the shore or from the stones of the pier. Bored like crazy when I asked to sit at the end of the afternoon to see the horizon and hear the ocean beat against the rocks - "the sea does not look, play with the sea" he said. It was the sound heard from the depths, when you let that huge mass of water will completely cover the most liked. Be down there makes the time pass more slowly. He liked to open my eyes and feel the salt stinging the cornea, and then go out and rub their eyes with the back of his hand and re-enter. It was a masochistic act, but he really had no idea that such a word even existed.

He loved to feel the sun on your back, despite the mix of potions that her mother usually put to protect from sunburn and sunstroke. Every two hours the procedure was repeated smear their little humanity, creating a layer that decided to award the super powers, how to make it more fun. Then he became the hero that was impossible to overcome thanks to a thin layer but indestructible FPS-60 or "Fusion Synthetic Proton last generation" which dared to the utmost to rescue from a whole crab to the sea of the powerful jaws of ecological devastation.

From the sea the night before was waiting with her cooing provocative. Waited impatiently for the whole family woke up to go to catch waves and chasing bubbles burst at the slightest touch. He felt the light was beginning to slip through the cracks of the window and without any pudicia ran to her mother's room.

- I can go out now?

She still swirling, just opened one eye to find out wearing all the clothes that Jacques Cousteau would have envied for his age, blue swimsuit, pair of lifeguards in the arms, mask and snorkel for cases prolonged submersion and detailed research on marine life, colorful fins that tripled the size of their feet, a dinosaur, though at times it seemed an inflatable dragon that allowed him to rest while floating on it, slides and plastic shovel to build the arena inevitable imperial palace and the towel wrapped around his neck.

- I can go out now? "I can, yes, I can?

tried to focus his eyes on his watch. "What does this guy wake up at 5:30 in the morning?".

had to postpone the start of his aquatic adventure sigh and settle for watching him from the small hole left by the mud-brick wall, at least until his mother got up and make patties that would give the dogfish energy necessary to face the "enemies of the sea", or friends of evil, did not care. Good thing the sea, as the faithful friend who is, I would wait.

(Photo chosen by @ Naky . Texts @ Jogreg )


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