Thursday, April 30, 2009

سيريال Proshow Producer

What tools or strategies as the holy grail in Packaging News

declare that the design process from the strategic need to be defined today is nothing new, and does not add more than another flatus vocis the cacophonous concert that has sparked offers commercial awareness that innovation is a natural spring in the design.
Unless of course we understand that strategy is meant, who and how to make strategic choices, as implemented and finally what it does take a strategic perspective in the design process.

There is a dimension that interests me at this level and is related to the concept of power. There is a correlation between the ability to influence, change or retain key important factors in production cycles, communications, market, and the possibility of establishing strategic guidelines.

Without power, without some kind of power (whether factual, commercial, political, financial, management, generation of networks, etc.). Good intentions tend to hit corporate or organizational with the incommensurability of certain social phenomena unsystematic. Must possess some measure of power to make commitments on long-term actions in the production, communication and marketing of an organization, as the cost and effects of long-term policy are profound in its development.

Typically insert design in the medium tactical actions and short-term point in the campaign, the product of the season, in point of sales promotion in the event. It is tempting to think that the Pareto design in these areas must find insurance 20/80. However, it is well documented that the design as a strategic tool not only adds value but also creates opportunities (say "blue oceans" to rhyme with fashionable jargon) if insertion occurs in what we call strategic levels of business plans and its subsequent realization in production processes logistics and trade.

can affirm is that design can be embedded in a long chain of decisions a) strategic, b) tactics and c) operational and interestingly in that order decreases its contribution in terms of value or influence, or as I said before, in its transformative power of practices and perceptions.


anthropological methodologies, psychological or engineering design is now a sanitary condition for the assurance and validation processes and results. However, the use of ethnographic tools, Kansei or other resources of understanding also means more expensive to design processes, is this because it is strategic to have a better understanding and a more complete awareness of market needs?

Gonzalo Castillo says that everything stated strategic response to the very logic of the "

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth

is "otherwise flatus vocis again, empty statements. If the strategic need to put resources to work on it, if not ...

From this we can derive that both the power and resources are an important ingredient to declare that the design is capable of climbing decision-making truly "strategic." Without power and resources as strategic what is design?

remains to be seen how open source culture, the economy of the gift and the young and the energetic prosumer labeled "Generation Y" bring a new perspective to the work of designers, their short, medium and long terms.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tightie Whities Wegies

Kansei design

Stephen Lillford is research consultant at Faraday Packaging Partnership's Design Perspectives , translated, 03 April 2009

is making news. Nestlé recently announced that uses this technique to develop products and packaging with an emotional approach. What is the Kansei? Is it something new or just a flashy label? Kansei emerged in Japan in the 70's as a new technology that translates the excitement of consumers in products. The benefits of this technique was demonstrated earlier. Was used in the design of the Mazda MX5, which became the best selling car in its class and still remains a strong contender. How does

Kansei? It is not a magic box that provides solutions to any design problem. Nevertheless provides a way to measure how a design will be perceived by end users and why they invest in capital or human resources, or even the waste production in iterative cycles. Kansei measurements link the emotive language of marks and consumer needs. A complete design or its individual parts can be created using traditional methods, but by testing a set of designs with controlled differences between them is possible to identify what impacts the perception of consumers. As a result, the design brief can provide specifications for each Kansei measurement, rather than just guided by gut feelings. What does "luxury" to a chocolate? Nestlé clearly understood that this perception is not only due to the palate. Using Kansei, they designed their packaging using methods similar to those that could be used to the taste of chocolates: with an eye on the measurements.

"Kansei design needs? Well, some believe that Kansei is not suitable for design creativity by restricting structured processes, but may be losing sight of the ideas come from everywhere. Anyway, when Kansei is used in the design process to communicate and adjust ideas, works when other methods of product development is beginning to look more to beauty pageants.

have used in Faraday Kansei for many consumer goods with a high turnover (Fast Moving Consumer Goods FMCG) through the years and continue to develop the "Kansei

way" through association with the trademark owners.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Do You Get White Out Off Of Plastic?


since Richard Dawkins coined the term meme, the word "meme" has been used to sweep and scrub. Not trying to be a purist I believe there is a bit ignorant abuse of circulating coins and medals verbal luck. For example, what looks one who scatters his tastes and predilections in the so-called "social media" under the epithet "meme"?

Surely nothing very different from those who undertake branding processes and identity construction in the world of "brick and mortar" (how they like to say to business consulting).

is therefore easy to glimpse the desperate need standing overwhelming to new communities and consultants involved in innovation (that word as conservative), design and communication occur in these stands waving the "mix culture" or "mashup trends." Which is all very well to the extent that implies an awareness of the need to circulate the knowledge that what we learn, reflect and apply a lot better and more effective than silent rumination academic cloister.
whenever I was troubled for example, the "social role of design" is an important issue in the academic discussion of design and a laughable topic for business and Designers Guild. Arguably, the "ro, social ..." a meme is passed (for weak) by the prevailing market meme (the fittest).
Since memes are viruses based on ideological beliefs that are imposed under conditions favorable for them. Is it feasible to think that these times of climate change (cultural and economic) should lead to new mutations in the concepts I listed before.
guidance to consumers (users, citizens, customers, target groups, like your favorite memes decide to call them) will acquire different forms in the scheme of economic sustainability (innovation = ideas converted into cash, says Ivan Vera) and the outline of R & D (money become ideas). The ideas that best fit or better to survive the prevailing meme (consumption-driven capitalism) will have a better chance of talking to the future.
That is an interesting idea: adapt or survive are similar but involve different strategies. In what follows, romantically naive to believe that "good always prevails" is to assume that one is clear about what else is better at a given time and that it declares assumes a specific meme will fight to death against the prevailing mental virus, will ally with him, or will find their own way (his "Ocean Blue" as it is fashionable to say the last two or three years).
One thing is more or less clear, we learned that the world is projected to look back so the future is always uncertain and store cards up his sleeve ... Who could ensure that the situation inbred and self-referential design of theoretical discourse is to make conversation with the future, if the future does not exist?
- Oppose death
dominant meme - the meme
trans to
- Create alternative memes blind regions infecting meme dominant until the conditions that facilitate decay and impose new conditions ...
but is not this ultimately a political problem?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Matures Waering Stockings

(fragment of a larger text called "Theory for what")

Today we know that everything is more connected than it appears, and the various approaches existing human beings, society, matter and space tend to converge explicit the implicit dependencies and correlations between (and with) the most diverse knowledge, experiences and phenomena which we have record.
The concept of network and systems approaches, holistic and integrated realize this assumption of complexity as a key factor in understanding and identification of policies and action plans in almost any social context. There are so many variables in the process of identifying needs, and the subsequent creation of opportunities from this detection, the design must overcome to engage effectively with the demands and constraints imposed by this background, which always implies a need for systematic manage the complexity in order to ensure, among other things, the simplicity of the final solution.
What design means that no matter how complicated the problem, the solution should be simple: simple to implement, understand, use and replicate, since the design project involves not only mental thought (the concept of a theoretical framework the consequent presentation of hypotheses and verification) and its primary tangibilización as a prototype, but also its implementation, commoditization (if not standardization), delivery (whether commercial or not) to an actual user and their efficient use.
This understanding of design as a process that ends in devices, products and communication elements and as a creative process that meets demands and needs, inevitably affects the scope of design theory, its emphasis, and political hierarchies.
Until today, this is a premise that has allowed the existence of academic offerings which "seal" differs in degree sensitive about what has been characterized as design (Visual Communication Design, Graphic Equipment, Industrial, Integral, Services, Editorial, Multimedia, etc..). Therefore identify the variables that determine the present state of activity of the designers influence not only their thoughts and beliefs about themselves, but necessarily determines the objectives of any educational project that attempts train professionals who are functional to those objectives, in a way that cuts across many can claim economic and political approaches (which are usually operated on each other). As the variables are identified, whether knowledge or skills are required to demonstrate professional practice generic skills to face the world of production or superior capabilities that enable the assertive leadership of the "life choices" of designers, end up producing tracks of course or program of study, determining (at least on paper) areas that should be expected to master a professional.