When AMC was about to launch Rubicon thing 13 weeks ago, all media were quick to find an equivalent next series Direct Damages TV for his conspiratorial thriller appearance, his scheme of thirteen episodes and a case to solve, the quality of his scripts and a plot that ultimately is not suitable for all tastes.
were wrong, for Damages and Rubicon seem just seen from outside, but were right in one thing, both are highly addictive, from two completely different views, but once you get into your game you realize that no can escape.
like a good ratatouille, cook several items is sauteed, giving each of his perfect doneness and reserves in the right place until everyone is ready for later, bringing each of them in the same bowl and stir well to cook together for few seconds, resulting in a homogeneous planted at the end but high technical complication if cooked the right way.

Rubicon, as a good stew, incorporating all the ingredients in the same container at a time, starting with very cold water and cook slowly, very slowly, being able to see the process of cooking for one, they will gradually take its characteristic color and odor until it finally becomes a blunt plate, no surprises, no big surprises, but extremely solid.

special, not to be taken at any time or place, but to enjoy it spoonful by spoonful by the difficulty of preparation means that both are perfectly cooked. Sometimes do better, sometimes worse, sometimes, even exquisite, do not seem to like the whole family. FX tired of ratatouille last April, but has sent the recipe to Direct TV, which has promised further improvement for two years, while still savoring their first AMC stew, which has left very good impression on some, perhaps less than expected, and that is why we are thinking if it improves the prescription or on the other hand keeps the spaghetti preparing for the day 31 and put aside the meat and chickpeas. Hopefully not!
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