Sunday, September 26, 2010

Praktika To Nikon Adaptora

About "Things that annoy me design and designers" big man

something I and my fifteen minutes of fame on Foroalfa . I've never received so many comments or votes! ... Like any human (more or less sensitive) adhesions moved me and I felt great perplexity to the critics. Those who know me know that off I am a professional format rather observant and cautious, so I decided to add some words to the article, but from my humble trench abandoned the blog.

I stopped to read all comments, both favorable and adverse, that visceral harvested my first text on the design and would like to deepen a little, unpretentious PhD in my beliefs on the profession design, practice, education and its place in the world.
is a fact that something is wrong in our ecosystem professional. My words are but the translation of long talks we have held not only with my designer friends, some long and successful career and other difficult short stories, but also with other professionals who have had to interact with us suspiciously. In addition, many of the topics that seem sins of the profession, I've made often, unconsciousness, and finally with discomfort, so I leaned timely Jung's statement: "One does not attain enlightenment fantasizing about the light but making the darkness conscious. "

I think from the beginning, the word design is a very big, so huge that adequately met too many jobs and internship This has helped to produce the belief that it is possible to unifying theories and methodologies while tacitly praised the individual genius. More easily learn to admire the finished work the process and context of that work. With a little luck, this practice teaches us professional practice ... we suddenly discover without the right tools for thinking about the medium and long term, without sufficient resources to make us understand the market, the reality (which we doubt is) has flooded all traces of human culture.
Few cases ever reported in schools we design come to fruition in practice, many of the academic knowledge received just forgotten by their irrelevance ... what lingers in the end?
The work done, the particular project, the idea taken to its material expression.

Is there responsible?
Current thinking very conveniently relocated all responsibility on the individual, but as social beings we are, we can agree that many of our current professional circumstances will undoubtedly arise in an educational model that gives back to employment. Educational model that I suspect has had validated the face of the academic demands of an ignorant state probably badly advised, of education methodologists who ignore what is the market, industry and economy of design.
On the strategic issues of the designers, the oversupply and the devaluation of professional work, I have nothing to add that the most lucid and devastating for me has heard this and deepened Fernando del Vecchio by applying our profession as a simple analysis of the 5 forces of Michael Porter. Perhaps the same diagnosis, the absence of barriers to entry, the substitutions, the turning point 10X, etc. explain many other things: the egos and sensibilities, the inability to hear, this noble idea that professional design with 4, 5 or 6 years of study should be better than technical design, or the spontaneous and intuitive design that he learned "the trade" in practice.
When I was young, people spoke when it was not possible to talk was at a "cat bag", I suspect that these battles of approaches, beliefs and orientations always end up crashing into the cruel, simple design activity carried out by professionals, offices and agencies.
I think there are methods and processes that define a "now" in each specialty that defines itself as a design, just as there is theorizing about the possibilities and opportunities to influence the future world through their own thinking, a way of seeing things much more holistic and systemic (perhaps what has been called design thinking is behind it, though not necessarily by the success of the designers).
I have come to mind two things: the impossibility of requiring under whom he has been deprived of their basic needs and provide teaching old bread along with the tools to continue providing it what it has to do this with the design?
As someone said, no doubt the designers have received heterogeneous knowledge, skills heterogeneous through mechanisms also heterogeneous is there any possibility of claiming homogeneity theoretical, ideological or simply practical? Our courses have been conflicting, sometimes confusing, incomplete, out of focus with respect to economic necessity, social and cultural which has made it necessary for designers there will anyone be responsible for this, a guilty or a hero who will rescue us?
On the other hand, education, living one of its deepest crisis these days, just really reassures us that nobody has an incentive not going to look to resolve the inconsistencies in the body of knowledge of design, practices, methods and processes for the training of future generations. Professional education, not just the design, has entered a vicious circle that needs to continue (de) training professionals obsolete under a scheme to make ends meet and perhaps, eventually when you no longer have options to reformulate their arguments, skills and incentives. While education is limited to being a sustainable business model without future professions will feed on other more reliable sources, current and accessible.

And by the way ...
Those who did not understand my "big words" ... sorry about that, I do not charge me.


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