say that all brands are the same thing can be so deluded as to claim that all organizations, all countries and all people are equal. Excluding the apparent similarities, differences and dependencies to other market players is the reason for all the efficient management of identity.
symbolic resources that constitute a brand identity, and allow an organization identify, products or services (OPS), have important similarities to living organisms. For now, must survive harsh natural selection processes (which, as we know, home is not always natural taan). The survival of a brand, in this context is subject to a wide range of variables, where the perception and beliefs that people have of a brand and its resources exceed in importance, and for some, the sheer quality of its offer the market.
In this tangled jungle of supply and demand, whose "little kings" consumers "are demanding more and better experiences, satisfactions brands, such as caring always ready to promise what the competition offers produce unexpected ecosystem-expressed in the positioning and share that each brand builds on one or more categories of industries, products or services. These ecosystems can recognize
PAHO in each role, either as a chameleon "me too" that mimics a category leader, or as a real peacock looking for an alpha male hierarchy within a certain domain. Naturally, the two cases emerge every possible nuance that the human tolerance to assimilate and understand, and define the acceptance of their brand identity systems. Here, not surprisingly, also tend to rethink, reinterpret and adapt existing visual and aesthetic codes for each specific time and place.
= Ecosystem trademark the brand with its own codes and language in relation to the category and in relation to its portfolio of offers (sub-brands and product lines and services)
• of being rejected by consumers usually conservative when it comes to comment on the brands and
• adoption of a tacit commitment (brand promise literally unreported) that the organization is finally willing to comply.
Perhaps for this reason, coupled with the implicit subjectivity of brand design, each category seem to form a constellation of signs and symbols conventional with many levels of interpretation and relatively few of expression ("much ado about nothing?).
No wonder that the food products having cross codes visible, such as using font rounded, encapsulated and "outlines" for easy application to noisy backgrounds or assets (photos, illustrations, textures, graphics, etc.).. Or wine labels layouts meet almost generic, and banks tend to designs that fit horizontal grids and the use of blue, red and green, the vast majority. On the one hand, this is because the forms have cultural and language that trigger responses neurologically preconscious, an example of this is the old exercise gestalt "maluma" and "Taketa, which shows how, spontaneously, people associate the softer sounds of" maluma "with rounded and sinuous images, while the sound of beaten" Taketa is associated with angular shapes and forms streams. From this analogy we can infer the likelihood that, without good reason, OPS belong to a universe declare orally associated with "maluma" (women, children, wellness, etc..) And opt instead for a more appropriate graphics to "Taketa "(sports, rock, power, etc.).
All this may seem a minor issue between the great strategic debates that arise from the identity management of OPS. However, behind an apparent irrelevance often nest, hidden, large trade talks; administrative, logistical and cultural factors that usually do not manifest for the consumer, but in a society captivated by the tyranny of transparency, they tend to emerge in the great moments of OPS, be it a growth opportunity, a merger or crisis. For example: "Use of green forces us to be a business friendly environment?" Or "a graph technology means that we must always be innovative?".
The qualifications, then, visual and graphic data, much more than obey coding criteria artistic "hieratic" language that is privileged, is an adaptive approach that fluctuates and is consistent with the perceptions, desires and trends of the moment, in which carved alike consumers, employees, managers of an organization and other stakeholders.
brands as living systems efficient
A brand must be solidly supported by PAHO that has a significant offer to potential consumers (which in Procorp define as the ISR model dimension REAL *). This should be expressed in a clear business model, with attributes, benefits and promises that distinguish it from other market offerings. Trademark consistency is further supported by the fact that the declarations of good intentions, the cosmetic and the superficial, do not have much value if there is a particular substance that the holder, in the same way as the actions or conduct define the personality of any living organism. In this line, we can ensure that the identity of organizations depends largely on the cultural context from which they emerge, and their brands are always a reflection of an attitude and a target with respect to that context, either to dominate, assimilate or to differentiate him.
No brand or identity that is not the result of that context, therefore the selection of resources, styles and points of contact should be approached with a holistic approach that understands that all coexist with other PAHO PAHO and maintain relations with them adhesions involving or dislikes, according to strategic objectives. Understanding the OPS as living organisms involved in a broader ecosystem, and sometimes complex, helps to define the roles and hierarchies that organize their own brands and sub brands, resulting in clarity for consumers and sharpness to the communication management's own organization.
From a design perspective, the entire brand experience, brand architecture, packaging development, product or infrastructure will be much more efficient, cost effective and accurate understanding that each intervention is linked with a preexisting history, cultural context, relationships interdependence (positive or negative) with such background and goals, no doubt, be met in full consciousness of what we have described. Therefore, brand development requires a kind of creativity focused on a "state of consciousness, able to rise above all the aspects that affect its proper positioning. This means designing for the organization and its goals (consumers and their demands), and in accordance with a context that considers always complex) products and services in both the existing portfolio of the organization and the supply of competitors, b ) different referents (leaders or important players in a category) and, of course, c) the different identities define each one of them.
ISR * Model states that the marks are based on three pillars or dimensions: the Imaginary (the positioning of the brand in the minds and hearts of consumers), the Symbolic (all resources for identity and brand communication ) and Real (or offering specific product or service). More info on
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