"Just pay us to talk", "our identity and our future is built on conversations" ... Flores said the guru and in those years of booming capitalism pre 11092001, I will not discuss the validity of those judgments which undoubtedly remain, but if I have to limit its applicability and to reduce its share of ambition. I think
All outstanding bills are left to a future that no one now dares to predict, no Alvin Toffler worth or techno-optimistic Negroponte that credibly enter our imagination uninhabited Third displaced by the immediate interests of North and conflagrations.
perhaps that public areas are often the grass of the disappointments of the future, when the cliches come to occupy the place of the actions dictated by common sense (perhaps such a thing actually exists) is usually a suspect divorce to "talk" and "doing."
For example we can not rest with the speech as around the world as efficient language, the general political discourse does not have only disenchant and lie, leading to short-term promises of popular taste, forgetting the tasks if you require patents and verifiable commitments.
What does this have to do with the design, visual communication?
has to do as far as advertising media are entering a silent crisis in discrediting each object against which we design, we model each message that constantly competes with the skepticism that almost automatically installed with media irradiation, and if this were not enough, and if we are a little more self-critical, "think that if we build our identities and our future then we must consider dialogue as weight variables truth and honesty about what we communicate, not just fall in love obsessively of how to gild the pill which is what seems to have no measurable advertising or reflect burning on the road all the joints fertile, but rather to influence knowledge and honesty in the messages organized in content creation that are meant to discipline our Design.
Obviously this is not always possible, just put it into practice can sometimes be compared to commercial suicide, since the end of the make-up artists usually act as communication and our discipline has fallen into some disrepute arising from that condition ( prosthetic objects and messages), more so when market demand has forced us to get rid of all analysis and reflection in order to be technically efficient over all different consideration.
Perhaps it is a nonsense to speak of truth, honesty and sincerity in marketing a slope where surface attributes are often more important than the ultimate goals of the messages, which often are hidden or are understood, as, for example, occurs with the financial and credit mechanisms, which involve many pros and cons, but that being validated by the market and applications require no further explanation of the mechanisms which underlie recent risks, penalties, usury "reasonable" and an illusion of ( false "?) short-term security.
Given the present conditions go against the trend market, against the laissez-faire and let the classic is a sovereign idiocy idiocy at other times perhaps more favorable play in our favor.
However, these talks outstanding open design looking cross into other disciplines intended, perhaps, with a modest ambition, to make a platform "from within", attempting to undermine the docile acceptance of what is and what we had to build dialogue in a body of opinion for Design.
II Focus on a do-think the design seems a long overdue task. Given the human variables that we decided to investigate the reality for establish reasonable assumptions about it, given the forced concubinage and decided our work with the teleology of marketing, advertising and business models in use, there is no other thing that raised an eclectic eye, sensitivity to various categorizations open to make them part of a background instrumental.
Somewhere in this process maybe we should make ourselves a general ontology to understand the particular field of visual communication phenomena, ie to formulate a hypothesis of being in any context and from there to address our work according to the other, as required the area in which we should act as interpreters or translators.
This means that once identified the issuer and its requirements, the issuer and personal narrative in the tissue context of their aspirations, hopes and promises, we must be minimally able to appropriate his inner vision with its projections and hand restructured or unstructured (as tune into their own projections of our partners).
But this is done effectively, transparently, we internalize what underlies the meta in use.
is simply say that the use of a specialized language, understandable and appropriate to make our narratives to inform customers of our issuers, passes through further in the "whys", the "when and who" rather than "how", which should be the natural result of empathizing with each other on multiple levels and translate their chores and concerns symbolic interfaces.
Ultimately this requires an ability to stretch like an amoeba the pseudopodia in all possible directions of our sensibility (Cortázar dixit). That means expanding our interests and our curiosity to any domain of interest of social life. Only in this way we can make a significant activity for our customers and our discipline, regardless of the language and trends that are flexible and constantly changing.
also an activity that is aimed to investigate the other as a social phenomenon has a body of knowledge is infinitely more sensitive to epistemology, philosophy of his work that accounts for these processes reinterpreted a done blindly or seduced by the materiality of the shape rather than by the essential contents of each sender, whatever they may be. Welcome
the disciplines, themes and hobbies, have much to learn yet and we know still not enough to draw the map of the world in which we live under.
(text of a professional academic dialogue 2002)
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